Friday, April 13, 2007


So here's the what I'm thinking:
If we redesign the CSC building interior (to the extent of moving around non-load bearing walls, and getting new stuff built), I'm imagining that the focus of this project will be in getting Career Service information to students. As an add on, we could redesign it in a cool, green way, with placards that edify the on lookers of why this place is green, and what exactly they could do to make the world a better place (recycle, bike, etc). However, to me, this seems like two projects.

One would focus on getting CS info to students: where people stand, where they go for information, where they look confused... and place things and people and kiosks accordingly. This seems to jive with the class requirements really well. Also, creating an interactive, or semi-interactive map/kiosk of the building and services could fall under this. This group's goal would be to redesign the space to aid information transfer from CS employees to the students. Data collection would include interviewing students to understand what they want from the place, and the people that work there to understand what they want to convey, as well as effective transfer of information.

The other group might be able to focus on the green aspect of the CSC building. It could include what the information displays, kiosks, and lounging areas would look like, be made of, what info they would display, and how to ...get along with the CSC info. In addition to the displays, all the interior decorations/random art pieces/basically the entire "feel" of the area would fall under this group. Similarly, the outside of the building proper, and the little sitting area in front of it could be redesigned with this same theme, and fall to this group. Their focus would be getting people to socialize, be more global minded, study outdoors, show them what they can do to help the environment. This also seems to work for this class, as we can ask people where they hang out, what they look for, study studying spots, etc...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Career Services Center?

How do people use/access information?
How do people use space?
Are these different questions?

Places to Redesign: CCS, Campus
People who accesss info (Informants): Students
Ways to measure: (1) What people want (survey) (2) where people are moving (campus sigalert?)
Bring people into coordination with information

Whats the question?

What are the question that will tackle?

When/where to meet

Looking to get a sense of when people are available to meet. Before or after class maybe? I like the Digital playroom in Pepper Canyon Hall, or the Peace Garden behind Che Cafe... Post your suggestions here :)


Welcome to the team blog for the Cognitively Green Engineers. We will be using contextual design to create environmentally conscious social architecture for COGS 102C @ UCSD. The group is still in the forming stages and we are still looking for members who are committed to great design principles applied to the care for our planet through the rearrangement of social spaces. If you would like to join our group or add to the discussion, email and I will invite you to post on this blog. Anyone is free to leave their comments.

May your pockets be only as green as your mind.